As you may have noticed, I have my preview sliders display at the top running again, and this time my followers gadget works as well. After searching through Google libraries API for an hour, I found an updated version of mootools that doesn't have conflicts with the followers gadget. Hooray!
Now I can get back to playing SNES games....damn it.
Also, I would like to thank all of you for your comments and support so far. I never imagined that people would actually be interesting in me bitching about 15+ year old games.
Real Games - Battletoads and Double Dragon - The Ultimate Team
What do you get when you combine two great franchises? more
Real Games - Battletoads in Battlemaniacs
Why are the Ninja Turtle ripoff games better than the Ninja Turtle games? more
Real Games - Battle Blaze
Can you read this review faster than it took me to beat this piece of shit? more
Real Games - Battle Grand Prix
Adding the word Battle to your game does not make it more
These are the games I grew up with, its nice to reminisce about them :P
love your blog man
got a emulator u reccommend?
interesting post!
cool blog dude
brings back old memories
old school games ftw! btw would you mind telling me how you got those badges to work in the top right of your blog?
i had forgotten all about the three ninjas, that was so bad...
This is a cool blog, keep it up man.
ah, much better
The preview slider is a pretty nifty addon.
Glad you got it all figured out.
i must check it out...
haha, nice one!
will check it out.
SNES is the shit
This looks so retro. Awesome stuff.
Please check out my blog, I just started.
looks so fun!
I agree with some of the other comments, we like it because it brings back so many memories!
maybe i should start using that gadget.
Your blog looks pretty snazzy. Also, you'd be surprised at how many people want to hear rants; 15 years ago there was not a large audience for it. :)
The AHHH! Real Monsters game was totally awesome. Sega genesis represent!
@O nice :D i <3 classics
interesting, I didn't know that...
No problem, keep on blogging!
Glad you got your scroller working! Looks great! Keep up the good work!
That's a very useful addition, how do you do that?
nice post.
Awesome man
Some of the retro games are still more fun to play than current gen games. Take GTA for instance. The first ones were pure fun with the bombs and oil slicks you could place under the cars, while GTA4 is just boring. Too much focus on realism these days and not enough on fun.
this is relevant to just what I was thinking about
i like this
I own two copies of this game. It is awesome. RUN FROM THE DOTS, RUN DAMNIT
baha. btw that poker offer is fully legit if you are actually interested.
i've never played any of these games but i like your blog. :]
that sure is something worth knowing
Really like the layout and stuff of this blog
some of like 15 yo games
cool stuff, i too will go play some snes,
whoa, your blog's got a good amount of followers!
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